Spain: The Vape Industry Files a Lawsuit Against the Government for Its Anti-Vaping Campaign

Last November, Spain’s Ministry of Health launched an anti-vaping campaign that overlooks all scientific data in favor of vaping for tobacco damage reduction and/or smoking cessation. Furthermore, the campaign includes several incorrect claims, including that vaping is to blame for the EVALI outbreak and that vapor is hazardous.

The Spanish Ministry of Health initiated a campaign on November 18 to discredit the vapor industry, based on widely refuted scientific claims.

Many other European countries, on the other hand, have authorized vaping goods as smoking cessation aids, citing evidence that they are more efficient than other NRTs at assisting smokers to quit. Recent Italian research done in Addictive Behaviors proved the efficiency and safety of e-cigarettes in assisting smokers to quit and improve their pulmonary health. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in the United Kingdom has now acknowledged and recommended the goods as smoking cessation aids.

As a result, the Spanish e-cigarette sector has filed a lawsuit against the government for starting false advertising. The Union of Vaping Promoters and Entrepreneurs accused the company of breaking various articles of the Spanish General Law of Advertising, as well as the Law of Publicity and Institutional Communication.

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